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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 868, Issue 2, Pages 143-332 (4 February 2000)
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Ion exchange on resins with temperature-responsive selectivity: III. Influence of complex formation stoichiometry on temperature dependence of resin selectivity ARTICLE
Pages 143-152
Dmitri Muraviev, Anna Gonzalo and Manuel Valiente
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Studies of retention and stability of a horizontally polymerized bonded phase for reversed-phase liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 153-167
Li Li, Peter W. Carr and John F. Evans
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Optimization of simulated moving bed plants with low efficient stationary phases: separation of fructose and glucose ARTICLE
Pages 169-188
York A. Beste, Mark Lisso, Günter Wozny and Wolfgang Arlt
Abstract | PDF (1127 K)
Chiral and electrokinetic separation of amino acids using polypyrrole-coated adsorbents MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 189-196
Han Seung Lee and Juan Hong
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Enantiomeric and diastereomeric high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of cyclic small beta, Greek-substituted small alpha, Greek-amino acids on a teicoplanin chiral stationary phase ARTICLE
Pages 197-207
Michael Schlauch and August W. Frahm
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Determination of ammonium in seawater by column-switching ion chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 209-216
Yuan Huang, Shi-fen Mou and J. M. Riviello
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Different elution modes and field programming in gravitational field-flow fractionation: 2. Experimental verification of the range of conditions for flow-rate and carrier liquid density programming ARTICLE
Pages 217-227
Jana Plocková and Josef Chmelík
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Comparison of gas chromatography–pulsed flame photometric detection–mass spectrometry, automated mass spectral deconvolution and identification system and gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry as tools for trace level detection and identification ARTICLE
Pages 229-247
Shai Dagan
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Automated capillary gas chromatographic system to monitor ethylene emitted from biological materials ARTICLE
Pages 249-259
Hai Pham-Tuan, Joeri Vercammen, Christophe Devos and Pat Sandra
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Purity testing of organometallic catalysts by packed capillary supercritical fluid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 261-268
I. Bruheim, I. L. Skuland, E. Lundanes and T. Greibrokk
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High-performance thin-layer chromatographic determination of six major ginsenosides in Panax ginseng ARTICLE
Pages 269-276
Renée J. Vanhaelen-Fastré, Marie L. Faes and Maurice H. Vanhaelen
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Calculation of electrophoretic mobilities in water–organic modifier mixtures in capillary electrophoresis ARTICLE
Pages 277-284
Abolghasem Jouyban-Gharamaleki, Morteza G. Khaledi and Brian J. Clark
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Enantioseparation of atropine by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated small beta, Greek-cyclodextrin: application to a plant extract ARTICLE
Pages 285-294
Lidia Mateus, Samir Cherkaoui, Philippe Christen and Jean-Luc Veuthey
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Simultaneous stereoselective analysis of tramadol and its main phase I metabolites by on-line capillary zone electrophoresis–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 295-303
Serge Rudaz, Samir Cherkaoui, Pierre Dayer, Salvatore Fanali and Jean-Luc Veuthey
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Towards a quantitative definition of perfection in chromatographic analyses SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 305-312
N. Dyson
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Determination of critical micelle concentration and interactions between cephalosporins and charged surfactants DISCUSSION
Pages 313-316
Ching-Erh Lin and Kuo-Shen Lin
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Reply to ‘Determination of critical micelle concentration and interactions between cephalosporins and charged surfactants’ DISCUSSION
Pages 317-319
Yahya Mrestani, Reinhard Neubert and Hans H. Rüttinger
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Erratum to: "Optimization of conductivity of low-molecular-mass anions in capillary zone electrophoresis" [J. Chromatogr. A, 850 (1999) 355–362] ERRATUM
Page 321
Martin U. Katzmayer, Christian W. Klampfl and Wolfgang Buchberger
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Erratum to: "Lattice–fluid model for gas–liquid chromatography": [J. Chromatogr. A, 862 (1999) 49–64] ERRATUM
Page 323
Yingmei Tao, Phillip S. Wells, Xuefeng Yi, Kwang S. Yun and Jon F. Parcher
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Pages 325-326

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Pages 327-332

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